Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

This was a great piece. The first episode I listened to (and was fooled by) was one in October 2000 where Bobbie Dooley had spray-painted the word LIAR on her neighbor's garage door after discovering said neighbor had fibbed and said her store-bought brownies were homemade.

I've subscribed and unsubscribed to Phil's website a couple of times. I'm currently subscribed and loving the classic material from the caller-based days. A few thousand people paying $10/month would mean a pretty healthy income stream, if in fact he has full rights to the material. If so, I wonder if it was difficult to obtain the rights to the material.

I'm re-listening to the show now with what Rollo calls "the red-pill lens"and it's heartbreaking. The guy wifed up a single mom with four kids and still got kicked to the curb.

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In 2013 and while still with TRN, Phil talked on air about his rehearsals for his one-man show, which he was confident would solve all his problems. What became of this? My guess is that it fizzled, mainly because Phil's late-night, juvenile male demographic wasn't interested in paying to see Hendrie in a theater.

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